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Canon MV800i
For those that want a no fuss entry level camcorder
Canon MV800I ZR-100E Mini-DV Digital Camcorder - $355.00
High-resolution 16:9 widescreen recording mode for true widescreen playback <BR>2.4-inch LCD screen with option of letterbox-style display and brightness adjustment for viewing on sunny days <BR>Low-light recording settings;
canon Digital Video Camcorder MV800i
聯絡姓名: waikit 聯絡Email: waikit_614@yahoo.com.hk 物品名稱: Canon DV MV800i 物品價格: $Full set 買入價$2580 交易方式: 當面交易買賣原因: 套現物品描述: 有意思 者可出價,係broadway買有單,或者可以交換nds lite
主流DV最佳入门机型 佳能MV800i评测
为了迎合不同层次的市场需求,各个数码摄像机的品牌都会推出了低端普及系列的DV,价格 低廉,性能和配备相对较弱。但是在佳能05年最新的入门系列数码摄像机的MV800i系列,却 拥有诸多和高
MV800I虽然是去年较早时候发布的机型,但凭借其性价比极高的特性而火热到现在也不无 道理的。MV800i外观比较平凡,并没有很引人注目的地方,设计保守,但是用过的人就会 MV800i配备了2.4英寸彩色LCD,可旋转设计,方便取景,但是在实际的使用中感觉LCD
Using the Canon mv800i
We have now had a chance to play with the new camera. It is quite easy to use, easy enough that even Caden can get some decent results with it, though the other day he had it zoomed in a far as it would go while moving around in the
5楼ID: apple3600 回复于:2005-10-31 14:02:40. MV800I有S端子输入吗? 按此在新 窗口浏览图片. 6楼ID: apple3600 回复于:2005-10-31 14:03:53. 录像只有SP和LP 按此 在新窗口浏览图片. 主题: [评机] 室内摄像偏色问题, ID: east-seal 日期:2006-03-
[原创]æ–°åŠ å ¡è¿›è¾‰é›†å›¢é•¿æœŸé”€å”®çº¯è¡Œæ•°ç äºå“
HC43E 1850 å…ƒ 索尼 PC1000E 3300 元三星 D103I 1390 å…ƒ 三星 VP-M2100S(1G) 3045 å…ƒæ ¾ä¸‹ VDR-M70 2150 å…ƒ æ ¾ä¸‹ GS258GK 3250 元佳能 MV800i 1000 å…ƒ 佳能 MVX1Si 2450 å…ƒå¤ æ™® Z911D 2150 å…ƒ å¤ æ™® Z311D 1400 å…ƒå…
点评:佳能MV800i在外观上没有索尼HC21E小巧美观,但是对于MV系列机型来说,它已经是 MV800i具备20倍的光学变焦,在低端机型中是很具有竞争力的,在镜头方面,佳能一向 是采用自家的镜头组,但是成像的效果并不俗,镜头方面MV800i采用了11片8组使用1
以佳能为例,热点产品MV800i系列以及MVX350i和MVX330i都配置高品质佳能原厂镜头,而且 使用2片ND滤镜,此时可以在不影响快门速度的情况下,使用较大光圈以 一般而言, 最新款的MiniDV都支持16:9拍摄模式,譬如佳能MV800i系列以及MVX350i和MVX330i等。

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Canon MV800i Price Comparison Buy at cheap prices
Read Canon MV800i reviews and compare Canon MV800i prices. We will help you find the best deal available. Why pay more if you don't have to.
Good Gear Guide Canon MV800i Reviews ware Digital
The Canon MV800i series of MiniDV cameras offer fantastic features and quality for the price. If you also want to take the occasional still image photo and
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MV800i. Видеокамеры цифровые. Архив. MV800i – цифровая видеокамера с 800 тыс. пикселов и 20-кратным оптическим зумом.

Canon MV800i - Price Comparison - Buy at cheap prices
Read Canon MV800i reviews and compare Canon MV800i prices. We will help you find the best deal available. Why pay more if you don't have to.
Good Gear Guide - Canon MV800i - Reviews - Hardware - Digital
The Canon MV800i series of MiniDV cameras offer fantastic features and quality for the price. If you also want to take the occasional still image photo and
Canon MV800i Camcorder - Compare Prices in Australia
Canon MV800i Camcorder product best prices. We find bargain prices on products from online Australian shops. Use our similar products to browse and check
MV800i. Видеокамеры цифровые. Архив
MV800i. Видеокамеры цифровые. Архив. MV800i – цифровая видеокамера с 800 тыс. пикселов и 20-кратным оптическим зумом.
佳能MV800i(Canon MV800i) 数码摄像机参数
佳能MV800i最新报价|全国各地报价|佳能MV800i功能介绍|参数性能评测|报价趋势|关注度| 佳能MV800i经销商|二手市场|文章|驱动下载.
佳能MV800i [年度评测2005数码摄像机产品介绍]
佳能的MV800i外观比较平凡,并没有很引人注目的地方,和其他低端机型一样采用了工程 塑料材质作为机身,重量控制得刚刚好,持机也很舒适。它同样是只有银色供选择,设计
Canon MV800i - Review : Video Cameras - CNET Asia
Canon MV800i,Review,Video Cameras,CNET Asia. shoot surprisingly high-quality video, but good lighting is essential. Read full review of the Canon MV800i
MV800i. Digital camcorders. Products archive
MV800i. Digital camcorders. Products archive. MV800i is a 800K pixel digital video camera with 20x optical zoom. Model features Electronic Image
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